


time 时间 person 人物 year 年份 way 方向 day 日子 thing 东西 man 男人 world 世界 life 生命 hand 手 part 部分 child 孩子 eye 眼睛 woman 女人 place 地点 work 工作 week 星期 family 家庭 company 公司 school 学校 country 国家 number 数字 group 团体 problem 问题 fact 事实 mate伙伴


be 成为 have 有 do 去做 say 说 get 得到 make 制造 go 去 know 知道 take 拿 see 瞧瞧看 want 要去 give 给 use 使用 find 寻找 tell 告诉 ask 询问 work 操作 seem 仿佛 feel 感觉 try 尝试 leave 离开 call 叫 come过来 think思考 look瞧瞧看


Good 好 new 新的 first 最初的 last 最后的 long 长的 great 伟大的 little 娇小的 own 自己的 other 其他的 old 老的 right 正确的big 大的 high 高的 different 不同的 small 小的 large 大规模的 next 次于的 early 早期的 young 年轻的 important 重要的 few 很少的 public 公众的 bad 坏的 same 相同的 able 与能力的


The 这个 and 和 a 一个 that 那个 I 我 it 它 not 不 he 他 as 作为 you 你 this 这 But 但是 his 他的 they 他们her 她的 she 她 or 或 an 一个 will 将会 my 我的 one 一 all 全部 would 将要 there 那里 their 他们的


to 到 of 关于 in 在里面 for 为了 on 在上 with 和 at 在 by 经过 from 从 up 向上的 about 关于 into 进入 over 越过 after 在以后 beneath 在下方 under 在下面 above 超过


主语+动词 主语+动词+宾语

惊讶! 学会这些 625 单词就可以走遍天下!

(Animal) 动物:

Dog - 狗, Cat - 猫, Fish - 鱼, Bird - 鸟, Cow - 牛, Pig - 猪, Mouse - 老鼠, Horse - 马, Wing - 翅膀, Animal - 动物.

(Transportation) 交通:

Train - 火车, Plane - 飞机, Car - 汽车, Truck - 卡车, Bicycle - 自行车, Bus - 公共汽车, Boat - 小艇, Ship - 船, Tire - 轮胎, Gasoline - 汽油, Engine - 引擎, (Train) Ticket - (火车) 票, Transportation - 交通.

(Location) 地点:

City - 城市, House - 住宅, Apartment - 公寓, Street/Road - 街道/道路, Airport - 机场, Train station - 火车站, Bridge - 桥, Hotel - 酒店, Restaurant - 餐厅, Farm - 农场, Court - 法院, School - 学校, Office - 办公室, Room - 房间, Town - 城镇, University - 大学, Club - 俱乐部, Bar - 酒吧, Park - 公园, Camp - 营地, Store/Shop - 商场, Theater - 剧院, Library - 图书馆, Hospital - 医院, Church - 教堂, Market - 市场,
Country (USA, France, etc.) - 国家 (美国, 法国, 等等), Building - 建筑, Ground - 地面, Space (Outer Space) - 太空 (外太空), Bank - 银行,

(Clothing) 服装:

Hat - 帽子, Dress - 连衣裙, Suit - 西装, Skirt - 裙子, Shirt - 衬衫, T-shirt - T恤, Pants - 裤子, Shoes - 鞋子, Pocket - 口袋, Coat - 外套, Stain - 污渍, Clothing - 服装.

(Color) 颜色:

Red - 红色, Green - 绿色, Blue (Light/Dark) - 蓝色 (浅/深), Yellow - 黄色, Brown - 棕色, Pink - 粉红色, Orange - 橙色, Black - 黑色, White - 白色, Gray - 灰色, Color - 颜色.

(People) 人物:

Son - 儿子, Daughter - 女儿, Mother - 母亲, Father - 父亲, Parent - 父母, Baby - 婴儿, Man - 男人, Woman - 女人, Brother - 兄弟, Sister - 姐妹, Family - 家庭, Grandfather - 祖父, Grandmother - 祖母, Husband - 丈夫, Wife - 妻子, King - 国王, Queen - 女王, President - 总统, Neighbor - 邻居,

Boy - 男孩, Girl - 女孩, Child - 孩子, Adult - 成人, Human - 人类,
Friend - 朋友, Victim - 受害者, Player - 玩家, Fan - 粉丝, Crowd - 人群, Person - 人物.

(Job) 工作:

Teacher - 老师, Student - 学生, Lawyer - 律师, Doctor - 医生, Patient - 病人, Waiter - 服务员, Secretary - 秘书, Priest - 牧师, Police - 警察, Army - 军队, Soldier - 军人, Artist - 艺术家, Author - 作者, Manager - 经理, Reporter - 记者, Actor - 演员, Job - 工作.

(Society) 社会:

Religion - 宗教, Heaven - 天堂, Hell - 地狱, Death - 死亡, Medicine - 医学, Money - 金钱, Dollar - 美元, Bill - 帐单, Marriage - 婚姻, Wedding - 婚礼, Team - 团队, Race (Ethnicity) - 种族, Sex (The Act) - 性行为, Sex (Gender) 性别, Murder - 谋杀, Prison - 监狱, Technology - 科技, Energy - 能源, War - 战争, Peace - 和平, Attack - 攻击, Election - 选举, Magazine - 杂志, Newspaper - 报纸, Poison - 毒药, Gun - 枪支, Sport - 体育, Race (Sport) - 赛跑, Exercise - 运动, Ball - 球, Game - 游戏, Price - 价格, Contract - 合同, Drug - 毒品, Sign - 迹象, Science - 科学, God - 上帝.

(Art) 艺术:

Band - 乐队, Song - 歌曲, Instrument (Musical) - 乐器, Music - 音乐, Movie - 电影, Art - 艺术.

(Beverages) 饮料:

Coffee - 咖啡, Tea - 茶, Wine - 葡萄酒, Beer - 啤酒, Juice - 果汁, Water - 水, Milk - 牛奶, Beverage - 饮料.

(Food) 食物:

Egg - 鸡蛋, Cheese - 奶酪, Bread - 面包, Soup - 汤, Cake - 蛋糕, Chicken - 鸡肉, Pork - 猪肉, Beef - 牛肉, Apple - 苹果, Banana - 香蕉, Orange - 橘子, Lemon - 柠檬, Corn - 玉米, Rice - 大米, Oil - 油, Seed - 种子, Knife - 刀子, Spoon - 勺子, Fork - 叉子, Plate - 盘子, Cup - 杯子, Breakfast - 早餐, Lunch - 午餐, Dinner - 晚餐, Sugar - 食糖, Salt - 盐, Bottle - 瓶子, Food - 食物.

(Home) 家内:

Table - 桌子, Chair - 椅子, Bed - 床, Dream - 梦, Window - 窗口, Door - 门, Bedroom - 卧室, Kitchen - 厨房, Bathroom - 浴室, Pencil - 铅笔, Pen - 笔, Photograph - 相片, Soap - 肥皂, Book - 书, Page - 页面, Key - 钥匙, Paint - 油漆, Letter - 信件, Note - 笔记, Wall - 墙壁, Paper - 纸张, Floor - 地板, Ceiling - 天花板, Roof - 屋顶, Pool - 游泳池, Lock - 锁, Telephone - 电话, Garden - 花园, Yard - 院子, Needle - 针, Bag - 包, Box - 盒子, Gift - 礼物, Card - 卡片, Ring - 戒指, Tool - 工具.

(Electronics) 电子产品:

Clock - 时钟, Lamp - 电灯, Fan - 风扇, Cell Phone - 手机, Network - 网络, Computer - 电脑, Program (Computer) - 电脑程序, Laptop - 笔记本电脑,
Screen - 屏幕, Camera - 照相机, Television - 电视机, Radio - 收音机.

(Body) 身体:

Head - 头, Neck - 脖子, Face - 脸, Beard - 胡子, Hair - 头发, Eye - 眼睛, Mouth - 嘴巴, Lip - 嘴唇, Nose - 鼻子, Tooth - 牙齿, Ear - 耳朵, Tear (Drop) - 眼泪, Tongue - 舌头 , Back - 背部, Toe - 脚趾头, Finger - 手指, Foot - 足, Hand - 手, Leg - 脚, Arm - 手臂, Shoulder - 肩膀, Heart - 心脏, Blood - 血液, Brain - 大脑, Knee - 膝盖, Sweat - 汗液, Disease - 疾病, Bone - 骨头, Voice - 声音, Skin - 皮肤, Body - 身体.

(Nature) 大自然:

Sea - 海, Ocean - 海洋, River - 河, Mountain - 山, Rain - 雨, Snow - 雪, Tree - 树, Sun - 太阳, Moon - 月亮, World - 世界, Earth - 地球, Forest - 树林, Sky - 天空, Plant - 植物, Wind - 风, Soil/Earth - 土地, Flower - 花, Valley - 山谷, Root - 根, Lake - 湖, Star - 星星, Grass - 草, Leaf - 叶子, Air - 空气, Sand - 沙子, Beach - 海滩, Wave - 波浪, Fire - 火, Ice - 冰, Island - 岛屿, Hill - 山丘, Heat - 热量, Nature - 大自然.

(Materials) 材料:

Glass - 玻璃, Metal - 金属, Plastic - 塑料, Wood - 木材, Stone - 石头, Diamond - 钻石, Clay - 粘土, Dust - 灰尘, Gold - 金, Copper - 铜, Silver - 银

(Math/Measurements) 数学/测量:

Meter - 米, Centimeter - 厘米, Kilogram - 公斤, Inch - 英寸, Foot - 英尺, Pound - 磅, Half - 一半, Circle - 圆形, Square - 正方形, Temperature - 温度, Date - 日期, Weight - 重量, Edge - 边缘, Corner - 角落.

(Other Nouns) 其他名词:

Map - 地图, Dot - 点, Consonant - 辅音, Vowel - 元音, Light - 光, Sound - 声音, Yes - 是, No - 不是, Piece - 一块, Pain - 疼痛, Injury - 伤害, Hole - 洞, Image - 图像, Pattern - 花样.

(Directions) 方向:

Top - 顶部, Bottom - 底部, Side - 侧面, Front - 前面, Back - 后面, Outside - 外面, Inside - 里面, Up - 上面, Down - 下面, Left - 左边, Right - 右边, Straight - 直, North - 北部, South - 南部, East - 东部, West - 西部, Direction - 方向.

(Seasons) 季节:

Summer - 夏天, Spring - 春天, Winter - 冬天, Fall - 秋天, Season - 季节.

(Numbers) 数字:

0 - 零, 1 - 一, 2 - 二, 3 - 三, 4 - 四, 5 - 五, 6 - 六, 7 - 七, 8 - 八, 9 - 九 10 - 十, 11 - 十一, 12 - 十二, 13 - 十三, 14 - 十四, 15 - 十五, 16 - 十六, 17 - 十七, 18 - 十八, 19 - 十九, 20 - 二十, 21 - 二十一, 22 - 二十二, 30 - 三十, 31 - 三十一, 32 - 三十二, 40 - 四十, 41 - 四十一, 42 - 四十二, 50 - 五十, 51 - 五十一, 52 - 五十二, 60 - 六十, 61 - 六十一, 62 - 六十二, 70 - 七十, 71 - 七十一, 72 - 七十二, 80 - 八十, 81 - 八十一, 82 - 八十二, 90 - 九十, 91 - 九十一, 92 - 九十二, 100 - 一百, 101 - 一百零一, 102 - 一百零二, 1 10 - 一百一十, 111 - 一百一十一, 1000 - 一千, 1001 - 一千零一, 10000 - 一万, 100000 - 十万, Million - 一百万, Billion - 十亿, 1st - 第一, 2nd - 第二, 3rd - 第三, 4th - 第四, 5th - 第五, Numbers 数字.

(Months) 月份:

January - 一月, February - 二月, March - 三月, April - 四月, May - 五月, June - 六月, July - 七月, August - 八月, September - 九月, October - 十月, November - 十一月, December - 十二月.

(Days of the week) 一周:

Monday - 星期一, Tuesday - 星期二, Wednesday - 星期三, Thursday - 星期四, Friday - 星期五, Saturday - 周六, Sunday - 周日.

(Time) 时期:

Year - 年, Month - 月, Week - 周, Day - 日, Hour - 小时, Minute - 分钟, Second - 秒, Morning - 早晨, Afternoon - 下午, Evening - 傍晚, Night - 晚上, Time - 时间.

(Verbs) 动词:

Work - 工作, Play - 玩耍, Walk - 走路, Run - 跑步, Drive - 驾驶, Fly - 飞行, Swim - 游泳, Go - 去, Stop - 停, Follow - 跟随, Think - 想, Speak/Say - 讲/说, Eat - 吃, Drink - 喝, Kill - 杀, Die - 死, Smile - 微笑, Laugh - 笑, Cry - 哭, Buy - 买, Pay - 付费, Sell - 卖, Shoot (a gun) - 射抢, Learn - 学习, Jump - 跳跃, Smell - 闻, Hear (a sound) - 倾听 (声音), Listen (music) 聆听 (音乐), Taste - 品尝, Touch - 触摸, See (a bird) - 观鸟, Watch (TV) - 观看电视, Kiss - 亲吻, Burn - 燃烧, Melt - 溶化, Dig - 挖掘, Explode - 爆炸, Sit - 坐, Stand - 站, Love - 爱, Pass by - 路过, Cut - 切割, Fight - 战斗, Lie down - 躺下, Dance - 跳舞, Sleep - 睡觉, Wake up - 醒来, Sing - 唱歌, Count - 计算, Marry - 结婚, Pray - 祈祷, Win - 获胜, Lose - 失败, Mix/Stir - 混合/搅拌, Bend - 弯身, Wash - 清洗, Cook - 烹饪, Open - 打开, Close - 关闭, Write - 写作, Call - 呼叫, Turn - 转动, Build - 建造, Teach - 教导, Grow - 生长, Draw - 绘画, Feed - 喂食, Catch - 抓, Throw - 扔, Clean - 清理, Find - 寻找, Fall - 摔倒, Push - 推, Pull - 拉, Carry - 携带, Break - 打破, Wear - 穿, Hang - 挂,Shake - 摇晃, Sign - 签, Beat - 打, Lift - 抬.

(Adjectives) 形容词:

Long - 长, Short (vs. long) - 短, Tall - 高, Short (vs. tall) - 矮, Wide - 宽, Narrow - 窄, Big/Large - 大, Small/Little - 小, Slow - 慢, Fast - 快, Hot - 热, Cold - 冷, Warm - 温, Cool - 凉爽, New - 新, Old (vs. new) - 旧, Young - 年轻, Old (vs. young) - 老, Good - 好, Bad - 坏, Wet - 湿, Dry - 干, Sick - 病, Healthy - 健康, Loud - 响亮, Quiet - 安静, Happy - 开心, Sad - 伤心, Beautiful - 美丽, Ugly - 丑陋, Deaf - 聋哑, Blind - 失明, Nice - 友好, Mean - 刻薄, Rich - 富有, Poor - 贫穷, Thick - 厚, Thin - 薄, Expensive - 昂贵, Cheap - 便宜, Flat - 平, Curved - 弯曲, Male - 雄, Female - 雌, Tight - 紧, Loose - 松, High - 高, Low - 低, Soft - 软, Hard - 硬, Deep - 深, Shallow - 浅, Clean - 干净, Dirty - 肮脏, Strong - 强大, Weak - 软弱, Dead - 死, Alive - 活, Heavy - 重, Light (not heavy) - 轻, Dark - 暗, Light (not dark) - 亮, Nuclear - 核能, Famous - 著名.

50 Most Common Ways to Start a Sentence in English



  1. Are you sure…? Are you sure you can finish your work on time? 1.你确定… 吗?你确定你能按时完成你的工作吗?
  2. Do you have…? Do you have any children? 2.你有… 吗?你有孩子吗?
  3. Do you mind…? / Would you mind…? Do you mind giving me your Wechat ID? 3.你介意… 吗?/ 你是否介意…?你介意给我你的微信账号吗?
  4. Do you feel like…? Do you feel like pizza tonight?
    4.你想… 吗?你今晚想吃比萨饼吗?
  5. Do you know where…? / Do you know a…? Do you know a good doctor?
  6. 请问你知道哪里…? / 请问你知道一位…?请问你知道一位好医生吗?
  7. Shouldn’t we/I…? Shouldn’t we book our tickets early? 6.我们/我不应该… 吗?我们不应该早点预订机票吗?
  8. Have you ever…? Have you ever been in a dangerous situation? 7.你是否曾经…? 你是否曾经有遇过危险的情况?
  9. How about…? How about you and I get dinner tomorrow? 8.那… 怎么样? 那,你和我明天一起共度晚餐怎么样?
  10. How come…? How come I always have to pay the bill? 9.为何…?为何我总是得付帐? 10.How long does it take…/How long will it take? How long will it take to go to the airport? 10.大约需要多长的时间…?需要花多长的时间?大约需要多长的时间才能抵达到机场
  11. How often…? How often do you go to the dentist? 11.你多常…? 你多常去看一次牙医? 12.What’s the matter with…?/What’s wrong with…? What’s the matter with your friend? 12.你的… 怎么了?/ 你的… 有什么问题吗?你的朋友怎么了? 13.What’s your favorite…? What’s your favorite song?
  12. 你最喜欢… 是什么?你最喜欢的歌是什么? 14.Why not…?/Why don’t you…? Why not (don’t you) buy it online?
  13. 为什么不…?/ 你为什么不要…?为什么不在网上购买呢?你为什么不要在网上购买呢? 15.Would you like…? Would you like something to drink?
  14. 你想要… 吗?你想要喝点什么吗? Sentences/句子: 16.As far as… As far as I know, she doesn’t like him.
  15. 据我… 据我所知,她不喜欢他。 17.As you (may) know… As you know, I really hate bitter melon. 17. 就如你(也许)知道的… 就如你知道的,我真的很讨厌苦瓜。 18.Compared to… Compared to bitter melon, even broccoli tastes good.
  16. 相比起… 相比起苦瓜,就连西兰花都比较好吃。 19.For all I know… For all I know he could be on Mars.
  17. 就我所知… 就我所知,他可能在火星上。
  18. I bet… I bet it’s going to rain today.
  19. 我敢打赌… 我敢打赌今天会下雨。
  20. I can’t wait to… I can’t wait to get my paycheck.
  21. 我迫不及待要… 我迫不及待要拿到我的薪水。
  22. I feel like…/It seems to me… It seems to me now is a good time to buy a house.
  23. 我觉得… / 在我看来… 在我看来,现在是买房子的好时机。
  24. I just realized… I just realized that I never confirmed our appointment.
  25. 我刚刚才意识到… 我刚刚才意识到,我从没有确定过我们的约会。
  26. I’d like (you) to… I’d like to leave soon.
  27. 我想要(你)… 我想要早一点离开。
  28. I hate to say this but… I hate to say this but ‘blue’ is not a good color on you.
  29. 我讨厌这样说,但是… 我讨厌这样说,但是 ‘蓝色’ 不是适合你的颜色
  30. I have (had) no idea… I have no idea where the subway is.
  31. 我不知道… 我不知道地铁在哪里。
  32. I have got to… I have got to find a new apartment by Friday.
  33. 我必须在… 我必须在星期五之前找到一间新公寓。
  34. If you think about it… If you think about it, money isn’t everything in life.
  35. 如果你仔细想想… 如果你仔细想想,金钱不是生活中所有的一切。
  36. I’ll let you know… I’ll let you know when I’m free today.
  37. 我会让你知道… 我会让你知道一旦我今天有空的时候。
  38. I’m afraid… I’m afraid he’s too busy right now.
  39. 我恐怕… 我恐怕他现在太忙了。
  40. I’m looking forward to… I’m looking forward to the Spring Festival holiday.
  41. 我很期待… 我很期待春节长假。
  42. I’m sorry but… I’m sorry but I can’t join you for dinner.
  43. 我很对不起,但是… 我很对不起,但是我不能和你一起吃晚餐。
  44. I’m thinking about… I’m thinking about ordering a birthday cake for her.
  45. 我正在考虑… 我正在考虑为她订购一个生日蛋糕。
  46. It’s too bad that… It’s too bad that he broke his leg.
  47. 我很遗憾… 我很遗憾他摔断了腿。
  48. It’s not that…it’s/but… It’s not that he’s lazy, it’s that he just doesn’t care.
  49. 不是因为… 而是因为/但是… 不是因为他懒惰,而是因为他不在乎。
  50. I have been… I have been worried about her all day.
  51. 我都在… 我都在一整天里,担心着她。
  52. I would rather…than… I would rather visit Hawaii than Los Angeles.
  53. 我宁愿… 也不愿… 我宁愿去参观夏威夷也不愿去洛杉矶。 38.Let me know if/who/what/where/when/why/how… Let me know if you’re free tomorrow. 38. 让我知道是否/谁/什么/哪里/何时/为什么/如何… 让我知道你是否明天有空。 39.No wonder… No wonder your English is so good!
  54. 难怪… 难怪你的英语这么好! 40.No offense, but… No offense, but your pronunciation needs improvement.
  55. 无意冒犯,但是… 无意冒犯,但是你的发音需要改进。 41.Once you… Once you start smoking, it’s hard to stop.
  56. 一旦你… 一旦你开始吸烟,就很难停下来。 42.Speaking of… Speaking of love, when are you going to get married?
  57. 说到… 说到爱情,你打算什么时候结婚? 43.Thanks to… Thanks to my boss, I’ll get a nice year-end bonus.
  58. 多亏了… 多亏了我的老板,我才能得到一份不错的年终奖金。 44.Thank you for… Thank you for helping me move last week, I know it was not convenient for you.
  59. 谢谢你… 谢谢你上周帮我搬家,我知道这带给你很多不便。 45.The more…the more… The more money you have, the more problems you’ll have.
  60. 越多… 就会越多… 你的钱越多,你的问题就会越多。 46.There is nothing as…as… There is nothing as difficult as learning Chinese.
  61. 没有什么比… 更… 没有什么比学习中文更困难了。 47.There is nothing I love more than… (like better than)… There is nothing I love more than sitting on a beach and reading a book.
  62. 我最爱 (喜欢) 的莫过于… 我最爱的莫过于坐在沙滩上看书了。 48.To be honest… To be honest, I don’t really like watching horror movies.
  63. 说实话… 说实话,我真的不是很喜欢看恐怖电影。 49.We’d better… We’d better leave before 10pm, otherwise the subway will be closed.\
  64. 我们最好… 我们最好在10点晚上之前离开,否则地铁将被关闭了。 50.We might (may) as well… We might as well take a taxi. No one wants to bike in the rain.
  65. 我们不妨… 我们不妨坐出租车去吧,没有人想在雨中骑自行车。 10 BONUS Sentences! 十个额外的奖励句子! 问句:
  66. How do you like…? How do you like the iPhone X?
  67. 你觉得… 怎么样?你觉得苹果手机十怎么样?
  68. I wonder (if/what/where/when/why/how)…? I wonder why the service is so slow?
  69. 我想知道(是否/何处/何时/为何/如何)…?我想知道服务为什么这么慢?
  70. What do you mean…? What do you mean you can’t come?
  71. 你是什么意思? 你是什么意思,你不能来? 4. Where can I…? Where can I find a bathroom?
  72. 我在哪里可以…? 我在哪里可以找到一间浴室?
  73. Who/What/Where/When/Why/How do you think…? How do you think they will like living in Beijing?
  74. 你认为谁/什么/在哪里/什么/为什么/怎么想?你认为他们会喜欢住在北京吗? 句话: 1.I can’t say… I can’t say why she did it, but I think she will regret it. 1.我不能说… 我不能说她为什么这么做,但我想她会后悔的。
  75. It’s up to… It’s up to the boss to choose.
  76. 这取决于… 这取决于老板选择。
  77. No matter what… No matter what, we will always be friends.
  78. 不管怎么样… 不管怎么样,我们永远都是朋友。
  79. When it comes to… When it comes to investing, you really need to talk to a professional.
  80. 当涉及到… 当涉及到投资,你真的需要与专业人士交谈。
  81. What I’m trying to say is… What I’m trying to say is that I think we should break up.
  82. 我想说的是… 我想说的是我觉得我们应该分手。


By: ⻨克⽼师 Teacher Mike

  1. Act out: 表演 ; 情景对话 ; 情景表演 ; 扮演⼀下

  2. Back up: ⽀持, 倒退, 后退, 备份

  3. Break off: 折断, 断绝, 中断,突然停⽌

  4. Break down: 损坏, 分解, 出故障, 失败

  5. Bring back: 拿回来; 使…恢复;使…回忆起来,  带回来

  6. Bring over: 使相信;说服;把…带来, 使某⼈转变

  7. Bring up: 提出;教育;养育;呕出;抚养

  8. Call back: 回电话;再打电话, 收回, 回叫, 叫回来

  9. Calm down: 平静下来;镇定下来, 别冲动

  10. Carry out: 执⾏,实⾏;贯彻;实现;完成

  11. Catch up: 赶上;把…缠住, 追上

  12. Fall behind: 拖⽋;落在后⾯, 失利, 掉队

  13. Clean up: 清理;⼤捞⼀笔,  打扫, 收拾⼲净

  14. Come back: 回来;记起;恢复原状,重新流⾏, 归来, 恢复

  15. Come down: 下来,降落;流传下来;倒塌;落魄,失势, 下降

  16. Come in: 进来;到达;流⾏起来,

  17. Come out: 出现;出来, 出版;结果是

  18. Come over: 过来;顺便来访;抓住

  19. Come up: ⾛近;发⽣;开始;上升;发芽;被提出

  20. Cut out: 切断;删去;停⽌;关掉

  21. Cut up: 切碎;抨击

  22. Figure out: 解决;算出;想出;理解;断定

  23. Deal with: 处理;涉及;做⽣意

  24. Fall down: 跌倒;失败;倒塌, 落下

  25. Fill in: 填写;填充;替代 Fill out: 填写;变丰满,变⼤

  26. Leave out: 遗漏,省去;不考虑

  27. Fill up: 填补;装满;堵塞

  28. Find out: 找出,查明;发现,揭发

  29. Get along (with): 过活, 进展;(使)前进;与…和睦相处

  30. Get back: 回来;恢复;取回;报复;重新上台

  31. Get In: 进⼊;到达;陷⼊;收获

  32. Get out: 离开,出去;泄露;出版

  33. Get rid of: 摆脱,除去

  34. Get together: 聚会;聚集;收集;积累

  35. Get Up: 起床,起⽴;建造;增加;打扮;伪造

  36. Give back: 归还;反射;恢复

  37. Give up: 放弃;交出

  38. Go ahead: 前进;进⾏

  39. Go away: ⾛开, 离去, 离开

  40. Go back: 回去;追溯, 退回去, 返回

  41. Go down: 下降;平静下来;传下去;被接受

  42. Go in: 进⼊, 进去, 参加;被云遮住;放得进

  43. Go out: 出去;熄灭;过时

  44. Go up: 增⻓;上升;被兴建起来, 上涨

  45. Grow up: 成⻓,逐渐形成

  46. Hand over: 交出;移交, 让与

  47. Hang on: 坚持下去;不挂断;握住不放

  48. Hang out: 出外玩⼉, 挂出;闲逛

  49. Hang up: 挂断电话;搁置,拖延

  50. Head back: 调头,回去

  51. Heat up: 加热, 变热, 升温

  52. Hold on: 不挂断电话,等⼀下;继续

  53. Let in: 让…进来;嵌⼊

  54. Lock out: 把…关在外⾯

  55. Log in: 登陆, 注册;请求联机

  56. Log out: 退出, 登出, 注销;退出系统

  57. Look after: 照顾;关⼼;⽬送

  58. Look around: 游览;到处察看;到处寻找

  59. Look at: 看;考虑;着眼于

  60. Look for: 寻找, 指望

  61. Look up: 仰望;查阅;尊敬;拜访

  62. Move in: ⽣活于;周旋于;向内投

  63. Move out: 搬出;开始⾏动

  64. Pay back: 偿还;报答, 回报

  65. Pick out: 挑选出, 辨认出

  66. Pick up: 捡起;获得;收拾;(汽⻋;⻜机)乘载;不费⼒地学会

  67. Plug in: 插⼊;插上电源

  68. Print out: 打)印出

  69. Put away: 放好;抛弃;储存

  70. Put down: 镇压;记下;贬低;制⽌

  71. Put on (Opposite take off): 穿上;上演;增加;假装;使…上场

  72. Put together: 放在⼀起;组合;装配

  73. Read over: 再读⼀遍;仔细阅读

  74. Run into: 遭遇,陷⼊;撞上,撞到;偶然遇⻅

  75. Run out/Run out of: 完;耗尽;跑出;到期;伸向

  76. Set up: 建⽴;装配;开业;竖⽴, 设置

  77. Sign in: 签到;注册;登记;签收

  78. Sit down: 坐下;扎营

  79. Slow down: 减速,放慢速度;使……慢下来

  80. Sneak out: 渐隐;偷偷溜⾛

  81. Stand up: 起来;坚持;竖⽴;站得住脚;拥护

  82. Stay up: 不睡觉,熬夜

  83. Switch on: 接通,开启

  84. Switch off: 关掉;切断(电源)

  85. Take down: 记下;拿下;拆卸;病倒

  86. Take off: 起⻜;脱下;离开, 拿⾛

  87. Take out: 取出;去掉;出发;发泄;把…带出去;邀请(某⼈)外出; 开始

  88. Think about: 考虑, 思考

  89. Think over: 仔细考虑;重新考虑

  90. Throw away/Throw out: 扔掉;伸出;说出;否决;突出

  91. Throw up: 呕吐;抛起

  92. Try on: 试穿;试验

  93. Turn around: 转向反⽅向;(⽣意或经济) 好转;船只留港

  94. Turn down: 减⼩,关⼩,调低;拒绝

  95. Turn off: 关掉,关闭;拐弯,使转变⽅向;使失去兴趣

  96. Turn on: 打开;发动;取决于;使兴奋;攻击

  97. Use up: ⽤完,耗尽

  98. Wake up: 醒来;开始警觉;开始了解真相

  99. Wash off: 洗刷掉,洗掉

  100. Watch out: ⼩⼼;提防

  101. Work out: 解决;算出;实现;制定出;消耗完;弄懂;锻炼

  102. Write down: 写下;减低账⾯价值;把…描写成, 减记


  1. I’m + (verb/动词). I’m going now.
    我(即将)… 我现在就去
  2. I’m a + (noun/名词). I’m a teacher. 我是一名… 我是一名老师
  3. I’m good at ____. I’m good at playing basketball. 我擅长… 我擅长打篮球
  4. I’m getting ____. I’m getting sushi for lunch. 我要… 我午餐要吃寿司
  5. I’m trying to + (verb/动词). I’m trying to study for the test. 我正在努⼒… 为了考试 我正在努⼒学习
  6. I’m going ____. I’m going to Thailand next week. 我将要去… 下周我将要前往泰国
  7. I’m gonna + (verb/动词). I’m gonna make an appointment.
    我准备… 我准备去预约
  8. I’m in ____. I’m in a basketball club. 我在…(团体内部) 我在篮球俱乐部
  9. I’m not used to ____. I’m not used to cold weather.
    我不习惯… 我不习惯寒冷的天⽓
  10. I’m not sure if + (subject/主词) + (verb/动词). I’m not sure if he is reli- able. 我不确定…是否… 我不确定他这个⼈是否可靠
  11. I’m looking forward to ____. I’m looking forward to your birthday party. 我期待着… 我很期待你的⽣⽇聚会
  12. I’m calling to + (verb/动词). I’m calling to book a room. 我正在打电话要… 我正在打电话要订⼀间房 13. I’m working on ____. I’m working on my motorcycle. 我正在(忙着)做… 我正在修理我的摩托⻋
  13. I’m sorry to + (verb/动词). I’m sorry to tell you that I can’t come. 我很抱歉… 很抱歉告诉你 我不能来了
  14. I’m thinking of/about + (verb-ing/动词-ing). I’m thinking of going to Australia. 我正在考虑… 我正在考虑前往澳⼤利亚
  15. I’m dying to + (verb/动词). I’m dying to finish work today.
    我⾮常想… 我⾮常想在今天完成⼯作
  16. I’m having a hard time + (verb-ing/动词-ing). I’m having a hard time learning Spanish. 正处在某个艰难时期 学习⻄班⽛语让我痛苦不堪
  17. I’m afraid ____. I’m afraid I can’t come. 我恐怕/担⼼… 恐怕我不能来了
  18. I’m not really happy with ____. I’m not really happy with my new hair- cut. 我对…不满意 我对⾃⼰的新发型不满意
  19. I have + (noun/名词). I have two dogs. 我有… 我有两条狗
  20. I used to + (verb/动词). I used to work at Apple. 我以前… 我以前在苹果公司⼯作
  21. I have to + (verb/动词). I have to clean the house today.
    我必须… 我今天必须打扫屋⼦
  22. I have been + (verb-ing/动词-ing). I have been working all day. 我⼀直都在… 我⼀整天都在⼯作
  23. I wanna + (verb/动词). I wanna find a girlfriend.
    我想… 我想要找个⼥朋友 25. I would like to + (verb/动词). I would like to see the menu please. 我乐意做/愿意做… 我想看⼀下菜单
  24. I need to + (verb/动词). I need to see a doctor. 我需要… 我需要去看医⽣
  25. I plan to + (verb/动词). I plan to study abroad.
    我打算… 我打算出国留学
  26. I am about to + (verb/动词). I am about to go to sleep.
    我快要… 我快要睡觉去了
  27. I didn’t mean to + (verb/动词). I didn’t mean to bother you.
    我并不是故意… 我并不想打扰你
  28. I don’t have time to + (verb/动词). I don’t have time to chat on Wechat. 我没有时间(做)… 我没空在微信上聊天
  29. I don’t know how to + (verb/动词). I don’t know how to use it.
    我不晓得如何… 我不晓得如何使⽤它
  30. I don’t like + (noun/名词). I don’t like video games. 我不喜欢… 我不喜欢电⼦游戏
  31. I promise (not) to + (verb/动词). I promise not to start without you. 我保证(不)… 我保证⾃⼰会和你⼀起开始
  32. I feel like + (verb-ing/动词-ing). I feel like going shopping.
    我觉得想(做)… 我想去购物
  33. I was busy + (verb-ing/动词-ing). I was busy talking with my boss. 我当时正忙着… 那时候我正忙着跟⽼板谈话
  34. I want to + (verb/动词). I want to speak with her. 我想要(做)… 我想与她对话 37. I want you to + (verb/动词). I want you to pick me up.
    我要你(做)… 我要你来接我
  35. I have something ____. I have something to help your headache. 我有办法/东⻄… 我有办法可以治你的头痛
  36. I think he should + (verb/动词). I think he should eat some breakfast. 我觉得他应该… 我觉得他应该吃点⼉早餐
  37. I should have + (past participle/过去分词). I should have bought a ticket. 我原本应该… 我原本应该应该买下那张票
  38. I wish I could + (verb/动词). I wish I could join the meeting.
    我希望⾃⼰能…(假设) 我希望⾃⼰能够参加此次会议
  39. I bet ____. I bet there will be a traffic jam. 我敢肯定… 我敢肯这⾥即将 出现交通拥堵的情况
  40. I cannot wait to + (verb/动词). I cannot wait to get to the beach. 我等不及… 我等不及要去海滩了
  41. I have no idea ____. I have no idea how to play mahjong. 我不知道… 我对打麻将⼀窍不通
  42. I have got to + (verb/动词). I have got to be home by 9pm. 我必须… 我得在九点之前回到家
  43. I wonder if ____?I wonder if I can afford a BMW? 我想知道是否… 我想知道⾃⼰是否能买得起⼀台宝⻢汽⻋
  44. I would rather ____ than ____. I would rather take the subway than ride the bus. 我宁愿…也不愿… 我宁愿去坐地铁也不要坐公共汽⻋
  45. I’ve been + (verb-ing/动词-ing). I have been thinking about changing jobs. 我⼀直在… 我⼀直在考虑换⼯作的事情 49. I’ve decided to + (verb/动词). I’ve decided to exercise daily.
    我已经决定… 我已经决定每天锻炼身体
  46. I’ve heard that + (subject/主词) + (verb /动词). I’ve heard that he likes you. 我听说… 我听说他喜欢你
  47. I’ve had enough of ____. I’ve had enough of this dish.
    我已经受够了… 这道菜我已经吃腻了
  48. I’ll help you + (verb/动词). I’ll help you move tomorrow.
    我会来帮你… 明天我会来帮你搬家
  49. I’ll let you know ____. I’ll let you know if I’m free on Monday. 我会告知你… 要是我周⼀有空的话 就告知你⼀声
  50. I’d like you to + (verb//动词). I’d like you to call me when you arrive. 我想要你… 你抵达的时候 要给我打电话
  51. I’d hate for you to + (verb/动词). I’d hate for you to have an accident. 我不愿意你… 我希望你可以平安⽆事
  52. I’d be grateful ____. I’d be grateful if you can help me move. 我会表示感激… 要是你能来帮搬家的话 我将会感激不尽
  53. Can I + (verb/动词)? Can I come to the party? 我能否…吗 我能来参加派对吗
  54. Could I + (verb/动词)? Could I get your phone number? 我能否…吗(更礼貌) 能给我 您的电话号码吗
  55. Could you + (verb/动词)? Could you tell me how to get there? 您能否…吗 您能否可以告诉我 该如何到那⾥
  56. Excuse me, ____. Excuse me, where is the bathroom? 劳驾… 劳驾 请问洗⼿间在哪⾥ 61. Let me + (verb/动词). Let me show you how to do it. 让我来… 让我来向您演示 该如何使⽤它
  57. Are you ____? Are you a student? 你(您)是…吗 你是⼀名学⽣吗
  58. Are you into + (noun/名词)? Are you into Kpop? 你喜欢…吗 你喜欢韩国流⾏乐吗
  59. Are you trying to + (verb/动词). Are you trying to cook Chinese food? 你正在尝试…吗 你正在尝试做中国菜吗
  60. Are you sure + (subject/主词) + (verb/动词). Are you sure you can finish on time? 你确定…吗 你确定⾃⼰能准时完成吗
  61. Are you used to? + (verb-ing/动词-ing). Are you used to running marathons? 你习惯…吗 你习惯跑⻢拉松吗
  62. Do you + (verb/动词)? Do you smoke? 你(动作)…吗 你抽烟吗
  63. Do you mind if I + (verb/动词)? Do you mind if I use the bathroom? 是否介意我…吗 你是否介意让我使⽤⼀下洗⼿间
  64. Do you like + (noun/名词)? Do you like BBQ? 你喜欢…吗 你喜欢烧烤吗
  65. Do you want me to + (verb/动词)? Do you want me to get it for you? 你要我…吗 要我替你拿那个吗
  66. Do you have ____? Do you have an iPhone? 你有…吗 你有iPhone⼿机吗 72. Do you feel like + (verb-ing/动词-ing)? Do you feel like going out for dinner? 你想(做)…吗 你想不想去外边吃晚餐
  67. Do you know ____? Do you know where I can get a taxi? 你知道…吗 你知道 在哪⾥可以搭出租⻋吗
  68. Did you use to + (verb/动词)? Did you use to work at a bank? 你曾经…吗 你曾经在银⾏⼯作过吗
  69. Have you ____? Have you eaten yet? 你已经…吗 你已经吃过饭了吗
  70. Have you ever ____? Have you ever been to Egypt? 你曾经…吗 你曾经去过埃及吗
  71. You should + (verb/动词). You should come to watch the game. 你应该… 你应该来看这场⽐赛
  72. You could have + (past participle/过去分词). You could have told me earlier. 你原本应该… 你原本应该早⼀点告诉我
  73. You can never + (verb/动词) too ____. You can never be too careful. 再…也不为过 ⼩⼼驶得万年船
  74. You have to + (verb/动词) in order to + (verb/动词). You have to study hard in order to graduate. 为了…(⽬的)你就必须… 你想毕业的话 就必须努⼒学习
  75. You’re supposed to + (verb/动词). You’re supposed to do it this way. 你应该… 你应该这么做
  76. You seem + (adjective/形容词). You seem smart. 你看起来(似乎)… 你看起来挺机灵的
  77. You’d better + (verb/动词). You’d better call a doctor. 你最好… 你最好去看⼀下医⽣ 84. Thank you for ____. Thank you for the gift. 为…表达感谢 谢谢你的礼物
  78. If I were you, I would + (verb/动词). If I were you, I would take the job. 要是我的话…就会… 要是我的话 我就会接受这份⼯作
  79. If you’d like to + (verb/动词). If you’d like to get coffee sometime, please call me. 你要是愿意的话… 要是你哪天想喝咖啡的话 就给我打电话吧
  80. ____ as ____ as possible. We will run as far as possible. 尽⼒… 我们将会竭尽所能
  81. We went ____. We went to the store to buy milk.
    我们去了…(过去时) 我们去了商买⽜奶
  82. We need ____. We need a place to stay. 我们需要… 我们需要⼀处住所
  83. Let’s not + (verb/动词). Let’s not talk about it. 让我们不要… 我们不要讨论它
  84. She is not only + (adjective/形容词) but also + (adjective/形容词). She is not only beautiful but also smart. 她不但…⽽且… 她不但⻓得漂亮 ⽽且也很聪明
  85. He is as + (adjective/形容词) as ____. He is as old as I am. 他的(特质)与…⼀样 他跟我是同龄⼈
  86. He is so + (adjective/形容词) that ____. He is so stubborn that I can’t talk to him. 他是那么…以⾄于… 他实在是太固执了 甚⾄我都⽆法与他谈了
  87. As far as + (subject/主词) + (verb/动词). As far as I know it’s cancelled. 据了解… 据我所知 (那个)已经取消了
  88. Be careful ____. Be careful when you cross the street. ⼩⼼ 过⻢路的时候你要⼩⼼ 96. But this doesn’t mean that + (subject/主词) + (verb/动词). But this doesn’t mean that you can eat it. 但是这并不能说明… 但是这并不表示你就可以吃了它
  89. By the way ____./? By the way, do you have any gum? 顺便问⼀下 顺便问⼀下 你有⼝⾹糖吗
  90. Compared to + (noun/名词). Compared to English, Chinese is more difficult. 与…相⽐ 英语和汉语相⽐ 汉语还是更难⼀些
  91. Don’t + (verb/动词). Don’t stay out too late. 不要… 不要在外边待得太晚
  92. Don’t ever + (verb/动词). Don’t ever buy a new car.
千万不要…   千万别买新⻋ 
  1. Even though ____. Even though I have no job I’m still happy.
虽然…   虽然我没有⼯作 但是我依旧很快乐 
  1. Even if ____. Even if it’s unhealthy, I still enjoy video games.
虽然…   即使它很不健康 但是我还是喜欢玩电⼦游戏 
  1. How are you + (verb-ing/动词-ing)? How are you going to get there?
你打算怎么…  你打算怎么去那⼉ 
  1. How do you + (verb/动词)? How do you know each other?
你怎么(做)…  你们之间是怎么认识的 
  1. How much + (verb/动词)? How much does the job pay?
多少钱   这份⼯作的薪资是多少 
  1. How often do/does ____? How often do you travel for business?
多久⼀次...   你多久出差⼀次 
  1. How long does it take to + (verb/动词)? How long does it take to drive to work?
要花多少…(时间/钱)   开⻋去上班要花多少时间 108. Is it + (adjective/形容词)? Is it far from here? 

(那个)…吗(⼀般疑问句) 那个离这⼉远吗? 109. If it hadn’t been for ____. If it hadn’t been for my coach, I would have

given up. 

要不是…的话  要不是我的教练 我肯定早就放弃了 
  1. It’s too bad that ____. It’s too bad that he got fired.
…真是太糟糕/可惜  他被解雇真是太可惜了 
  1. It’s my fault for + (verb-ing/动词-ing). It’s my fault for being late.
…是我的错   迟到是我的错 
  1. It’s not that ____ but ____. It’s not that he’s boring, but I think he’s

不是...⽽是...  我并不是说他很⽆聊 ⽽是我认为他⻓得不好看 
  1. It’s very kind of you to + (verb/动词). It’s very kind of you to pay for

你真个好⼈…(表达谢意)      您真的是个好⼈ 替我们⽀付了全部的费⽤ 
  1. It’s a little ____. It’s a little too big for me.
有⼀点点…   对我来说 它有点⼉太⼤了 
  1. It’s hard for me to + (verb/动词). It’s hard for me to ride a bicycle.
对我来说…很难  对我⽽⾔ 骑⾃⾏⻋很难 
  1. It’s up to + (subject/主词). It’s up to mom where we eat.
由…说了算   吃饭的地⽅就让妈妈来做决定吧 
  1. It’s your turn ____. It’s your turn to do the dishes.
轮到你了   轮到你来洗碗了 
  1. It may surprise you, but + (subject/主词) + (verb/动词). It may surprise
you, but she is blind. 

可能会让你惊讶…但是…  也许这会让你感到惊讶 但她是位盲⼈ 119. It's gonna be + (adjective/形容词). It’s gonna be difficult to learn.  
将会成为…   这个可能很会很难学 
  1. It looks like + (noun/名词). It looks like she’s into you. …似乎看起来… 她似乎喜欢你
  2. It takes + (time/时间) + to + (verb/动词). It takes 1 hour to exercise

…要花费…   我⽤了⼀个⼩时以正确的⽅式锻炼身体      
  1. It’s no use + (verb-ing/动词-ing). It’s not use waking up so early.
…没有效果   这么早醒过来没有⽤ 
  1. It’s time to + (verb/动词). It’s time to eat dinner.
…的时间到了  晚餐的时间到了 
  1. It’s too bad ____. It’s too bad I’m busy tomorrow.
…太糟糕/遗憾  很遗憾 我明天会很忙 
  1. No matter what, ____. No matter what, we need to arrive by 7am.
不论如何…   不论如何我们都要在七点钟之前抵达 
  1. No wonder ____. No wonder she was so tired this morning.
难怪…   难怪今天早上她这么累 
  1. Now that I think about it, ____. Now that I think about it, that shirt was
too expensive. 

现在我想起来…  现在我想起来 当时那件T恤衫确实太贵了 
  1. Once you + (verb/动词). Once you open a bag of cookies, you can’t
stop eating them.  

⼀旦你...   ⼀旦你打开那袋饼⼲ 你肯定会吃个不停 
  1. On one hand ____, but on the other hand, ____. On one hand I think BBQ would be delicious, but on the other hand, noodles are easier to make.
⼀⽅⾯…另⼀⽅⾯… ⼀⽅⾯我觉得烧烤会很好吃 但是另⼀⽅⾯ 煮⾯条

会更⽅便⼀些 130. Please make sure that + (subject/主词) + (verb/动词). Please make sure that you call before 3pm. 请确认… 请确认你会在下午三点之前给我打电话 131. Please + (verb/动词). Please help me.

请…    请帮帮我 
  1. Should I + (verb/动词). Should I ask her out?
我应该…吗   我应该找她约会吗 
  1. Shouldn’t we + (verb/动词)? Shouldn’t we ask the teacher?
我们不应该…吗  我们不应该问⼀下⽼师吗 
  1. Speaking of + (subject/主词)? Speaking of TV shows, have you seen 2
Broke Girls? 

谈到…   说到电视剧 你有没有看过电视剧《破产⼥孩》 
  1. Thanks to + (subject/主词). Thanks to dad, we’ve found our dog.
为…表达感谢  谢谢爸爸 咱家的狗已经找到了 
  1. That’s why + (subject/主词) + (verb/动词). That’s why Tom Cruise is
the best actor. 

这就是…的原因  这就是汤姆克鲁思是最佳男演员的原因 
  1. The first thing I’m going to do ____ is ____. The first thing I’m going to do when I get to Italy is eat pasta.
⾸先要做的事情是...  我在意⼤利要做的第⼀件事情 就是去品尝意⼤

利⾯ 138. The more ____ the more ____. The more I study Chinese the more I

enjoy it. 

越…就越…   汉语学得越深⼊ 越是让我乐在其中 
  1. There is nothing as ____ as ____. There is nothing as good as mom’s

没什么可以和…⼀样  没什么东⻄能与妈妈做的饭相提并论 140. There is something wrong with + (noun/名词). There is something 

wrong with the pasta. …有问题 这个意⼤利⾯有问题 141. There is nothing I like better than + (noun/名词). There is nothing I like

better than ice cream in the summer. 

我最喜欢…      在夏天 我最喜欢的就是冰淇淋 
  1. There’s no way + (subject/主词) + (verb/动词). There’s not way I can

不可能...   我不可能来了 
  1. There’s no need to + (verb/动词). There’s no need to give it back.
没有必要(做)…  没有必要还给我了 
  1. This is ____. This is the best restaurant in London.
这是…   这是伦敦最棒的⼀间餐馆 
  1. Was + (subject/动词)? Was your trip fun?
⼀般疑问句(过去时)   你那次旅⾏玩得开⼼吗 
  1. We hope + (subject/动词) + (verb/动词). We hope you had a good

我们希望…   我们希望你度过了⼀段美好的时光 
  1. What do you think about ____? What do you think about seeing The

你觉得…怎么样  (⼀起)去看电影《仇者联盟》你意下如何 
  1. Why don’t we + (verb/动词)? Why don’t we go see it tomorrow?
我们为什么不…  明天我们为什么不去看呢  
  1. We’d better + (verb/动词). We’d better leave now to make it on time.
我们最好…   我们最好现在就出发 (这样)就能准时抵达了  
  1. We may as well + (verb/动词). We may as well quit now.
我们不妨…为好  我们不妨现在就退出吧 151. What can I do + (subject/动词)? What can I do to help complete the 

project? 我该怎么办 我该怎么做才能协助完成这个项⽬呢 152. What did you + (verb/动词)? What did you do last night?

你做了什么(过去时)    昨天晚上你在⼲嘛 
  1. What do you + (verb/动词)? What do you like about it?
你想要什么   你喜欢什么 
  1. What if ____? What if we cancel the class?
如果…怎么样  如果我们取消课程会怎么样  
  1. What I’m trying to say is ____. What I’m trying to say is I think you can
eat more healthy foods. 

我想要表达的是…   我想说的是 我觉得你该多吃⼀些更健康的⻝品 
  1. What’s the matter with + (verb-ing/动词-ing)? What’s the matter with eating a midnight snack? (动作)…会怎么样 吃点⼉宵夜会怎么样
  2. What would you do if + (subject/主词) + (verb/动词)? What would you
do if you got a flat tire?  

要是你 你会怎么做…  如果你遇到爆胎的情况 你会怎么做 
  1. What’s your favorite + (noun/名词)? What’s your favorite band?
你最喜欢的是什么        你最喜欢的乐队是什么 
  1. What’s the + (noun/名词)? What’s the temperature outside?
对特指的事物提问  外边的温度是多少 
  1. What’s this ____? What’s this movie about?
这个…是什么  这部电影讲述了什么故事 
  1. What are you + (verb-ing/动词-ing)? What are you thinking about?
你正在...   你正在思考什么 162. What time ____? What time does the movie start? 
⼏点    电影⼏点开始 
  1. What do you like ____? What do you like doing in your free time?
你喜欢做…    你平时业余时间都喜欢做些什么 
  1. What does ____? What does your father do?
对第三⼈称提问  你的⽗亲是做什么⼯作的 
  1. When is ____? When is your birthday? …是哪⼀天 你的⽣⽇是哪⼀天
  2. When can you + (verb/动词)? When can you come to Beijing?
你何时能…   你何时能来北京 
  1. Where can I + (verb/动词)? Where can I park my car?
我在哪⾥可以…  我的⻋可以停在哪⼉ 
  1. Where did you + (verb/动词)? Where did you buy that candy?
你在哪⾥…(过去时)  你的糖是在哪⾥买的 
  1. Who is (verb-ing/动词-ing)? Who is coming to play football?
谁是…   谁来踢球 
  1. Why not + (verb/动词)? Why not sit down and relax?
有何不可   坐下来放松⼀下 有何不可 
  1. Why did + (subject/主词) + (verb/动词)? Why did you go to the UK?
为什么…(过去时)      你为何要去英国 
  1. Why would + (subject/主词) + (verb/动词)? Why would she do that?
为什么要…(表达猜测)   她为什么要那样做 
  1. Would you care for + (noun/名词)? Would you care for a tea?
你要不要...   你要不要喝茶 
  1. Would you like to + (verb/动词)? Would you like to dance?
你愿意…   愿意共舞⼀曲吗 
  1. Will you + (verb/动词)? Will you apply for the job?
你会不会…   你会不会应聘这份⼯作